Blue Knights® International - Scholarship Fund
Last updated: 24-Feb-2025
International Scholarship

Realizing that the youth of today will be the future leaders of tomorrow, the purpose of this scholarship is to assist with the continued education and further development of those potential leaders. Blue Knights® International will make available five (5) $1000.00 USD academic scholarships each year. Since we are a law enforcement organization, scholarships may even be used to attend a basic law enforcement academy.

The Blue Knights® Scholarship is intended to be a method of giving back to our members, and to promote that we are a family oriented club. We are asking our membership, not only in North America, but from our chapters overseas to solicit participation from qualified family members.

For the purpose of this scholarship, immediate family members shall be described as:
• Son/step-son
• Daughter/step-daughter
• Grandchild

This scholarship is limited to those 25 years of age or younger on May 15th of the current year.

Blank applications will be made available by the International office and must be postmarked and returned to the Scholarship Committee no later than the date specified on the application. Once the application date has passed, the committee chairman shall contact the other committee members and begin the selection process. Received applications will be screened for compliance with the scholarship criteria. Those meeting the criteria will have their essay graded by each committee member.

The top 25% of essays will advance to a lottery to determine the five (5) recipients. The lottery drawing will be held at the annual International General Membership meeting. The applicants selected will be notified by mail and directed to contact the International Treasurer and supply requested information. The treasurer shall issue a check (U.S. funds) in the name of the Institution and the applicant.

All submissions will be forwarded to the committee who will evaluate each of them.

You would be wise to download both the Application and Guidelines.

International Scholarship Mail In Application   International Scholarship Guidelines
PDF International Scholarship Application   PDF International Scholarship Guidelines

Notice Scholarship applications must be received at our
International Headquarters no later than May 15th of the current year.

Ed Gallant Memorial Scholarship

Ed Gallant was the Founder of the Blue Knights who remained active with the Blue Knights® since the club was formed in 1974, until his passing in 2020. The Past International President DJ Alvarez, along with Ed's lovely wife, Maggie Gallant, wanted to memorial him for what he did for the club and the "Ed Gallant Scholarship" was created not only to honor our Founder, but to help out our members.

This scholarship will be awarded to any individual Blue Knight who is enrolled in or accepted for a masters or doctorate program. The Blue Knight must be current on his or her membership in the Blue Knights®.

Blank applications will be made available by the International office and must be postmarked and returned to the Scholarship Committee no later than the date specified on the application. Once the application date has passed, the committee chairman shall contact the other committee members and begin the selection process.

The application will be basically what we have now for the annual scholarship draw. The exception here is there will be only one, $1000.00 USD awarded by the committee.

Criteria to be considered during the selection process shall include the following:

  • Completed application received by deadline including required signatures
  • All blanks of the application must be filled out (no exceptions)
  • The applicants School and Student ID# are also a requirement

To assist the membership, once this scholarship has been awarded to an applicant, that applicant is no longer eligible for future the Ed Gallant memorial scholarship. Any application containing false information will be disqualified.

All submissions will be forwarded to the committee who will evaluate each of them and make the selection of the individual who will receive the scholarship.

The scholarship is being funded by Maggie using the money left over from all the donations the Blue Knights made when Ed was so sick. Hopefully we can get some qualified Knights to apply.

You would be wise to download both the Application and Guidelines.

Ed Gallant Scholarship Mail In Application   Ed Gallant Scholarship Guidelines
PDF Ed Gallant Scholarship Application   PDF Ed Gallant Scholarship Guidelines

Notice Scholarship applications must be received at our
International Headquarters no later than May 15th of the current year.

International Scholarship Winners

The following students have won the Annual bursary awards...






Congratulations to all and we hope your educational endeavours come to fruition.